Radon Air Mitigation

With over 10 years experience, White Tail Radon is Michigan’s leading Radon Air Mitigation Specialist.  Fast service & hassle free installations, eliminating your radon problem quickly & efficiently. 

Contact us today to receive a free estimate.

Radon is a tasteless, odorless, colorless, naturally occurring, radioactive gas. It comes from the breakdown of uranium in rocks and soil. It can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation.  According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), action should be taken when radon concentrations in air are 4.0 pCi/L or higher. 

Radon Testing and Installation

Why Should You Test For Radon?

  • Radon Induced Lung Cancer Kills over 20,000 Americans Each Year.
  • Radon is the leading cause of Lung Cancer for non-smokers.
  • Radon has been discovered in every state.
  • Radon levels can differ door to door even if levels are low in your closest neighbor.

What we offer!

  • FREE Estimate
  • Same Day Service
  • Guaranteed Results
  • Licensed Radon Professionals

Asbestos Testing and Inspection

The White Tail Environmental’s network of consultants is a leader in the asbestos inspection industry. We document our process, and if asbestos is identified, we provide a protocol for abatement. We do not do asbestos abatement, as it would be a conflict of interest, but we can refer you to an independent asbestos abatement specialist from White Tail Environmental’s network of licensed and insured removal specialists if necessary. After abatement, a consultant will perform a post abatement test to make sure that no asbestos remains.

Asbestos Testing and Inspection

Why do I need Asbestos Testing?

OSHA and the EPA both have guidelines that require asbestos inspections and asbestos surveys. The EPA specifies that you must complete an asbestos inspection before any demolition or remodel of a commercial, educational or multi-unit residential building. OSHA requires asbestos testing and asbestos surveys to ensure a safe working environment for all occupants and employees. Failing to meet these guidelines can result in fines and other penalties.

Where do you find Asbestos?

Asbestos is still found in some building materials imported into the United States, including insulation, flooring, textured paint, ceiling and roof tiles. Exposure to asbestos can cause serious illnesses like cancer including mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Mold – Air Quality

We test for mold. Most mold samples are air samples. We also test surfaces, or we may take both, which means a piece of the actual material to the lab and get it tested. Air samples for mold are collected using a spore trap air cassette and a vacuum pump. The vacuum pump pulls 15 L of air, pulled through the small spore trap Cassette.  This process collects the spores onto the slide .Then the slide is taken to the lab. The lab can then put the slide it under a microscope and identify the number and type of mold spores. Surface samples are collected by using a clear tape. The clear tape removes the most spores from the surface and then the lab puts the tape under the microscope and determines the type of mold spores collected. Bulk samples are collected materials that are taken directly to the lab for the lab to do a direct examination.

Mold – Air Quality Testing

How long does it take to get my results?

Turn around time for testing varies from one day to two weeks. Most samples can have a verbal in three working days and a full report in five working days. If turnaround times need to be overnight or immediate, it can be done but the lab costs go up double to triple. Most people are willing to wait 3 to 5 days.

Do you analyze the results?

We do not analyze our results. We use a certified and highly reputable lab.

It is very important to remember that a lab analysis needs to be accompanied by a quality site inspection report so, when problems are detected a clear solution is part of your report.